East North Street (Phase 1)

  • Architect: South Dakota DOT, City of Rapid City
  • Project Manager: Tom Stalley
  • Superintendent: Roger Jensen, Keith Hart, Dale Mogensen, Rich Harmon, Tom Harmon
  • Owner: South Dakota DOT, City of Rapid City
  • Size: $4,702,223.85
  • Subcontractors: All Metal, Arleth, Beka, Complete Concrete, Hills materials, JH Hilt, Labor Ready, Mid States Reclamation, Muth Electric, Stanley Johnson, Timber Ridge, TCS
  • Self Work: Utilities, Water, Sanitary, Storm, Grading, PCC Paving, Sidewalk, Curb and gutter, Placement of precast box culvert

East North Street is a developing commerce territory in the north side of Rapid City. With over 25 different businesses within our projects 5 block stretch our number one priority was maintaining access to these businesses for the general public. All the businesses on East North Street were helpful and courteous to our entire team.

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